• 888-978-7257
  • information@childpalsy.org

Living With Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a condition that can affect the quality of your child’s life, but it can also take a serious toll on your physical, mental, and emotional health as a parent. To live with this condition, your family needs strength, help and hope.

Childpalsy.org was created to provide parents just like you with a network of peers and medical providers who can help you live with the effects associated with Cerebral Palsy. The more you know about this disorder, the impact it will have on your child, and the treatments, therapies, and resources available to you, the better you and your family will be able to cope and live with Cerebral Palsy.

Here, you’ll learn more about the effects Cerebral Palsy can have on your child’s lifestyle and the changes you’ll need to make within your own lifestyle to accommodate their needs. You’ll also have access to the many costs associated with Cerebral Palsy. More importantly, we’ll show you the ways in which you can find a solution to your family’s every need, and where to find the help you need when you need it most.


How you can provide your child with the care they need without understanding exactly what’s wrong? These resources will help you understand the causes of Cerebral Palsy, as well as how it can affect your child.

Click here to learn more about Cerebral Palsy.

Click here to learn more about what can cause a birth injury.

Click here to learn more about how to detect a birth injury.


Cerebral Palsy can be a major expense to the families that it touches, particularly those who lack adequate insurance or health care coverage. These resources will help you find programs that will help cover the costs of treatments, therapies, and continued care.

Click here to learn more about the health care options available to your child.

Click here to learn more about government assisted care for children with disabilities.


If your child has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy or any other birth injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Reach out to the legal experts who can help you understand your circumstances and guide you on the path to taking legal action.

Click here to learn more about seeking legal counsel in your area.

Click here to learn more about the legal process for children with birth injuries.

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